Your signature in the space below constitutes your consent to allow NAIT to release your marks, attendance information, course tuition
fee information and/or course evaluation to your employer(s), the payer of your training and/or the professional association governing
your occupation/profession for the purpose of verifying your attendance, marks and/or completion; and/or to confirm the issuance of a
certificate. This is a consent to disclose information, as described in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
The personal information on this form is being collected under the mandate of the Post-Secondary Learning Act. Upon admission, this information will form part of your student record
and will be used for operational activities of the Institution and for statistical purposes. It may be disclosed to Statistics Canada to comply with the Statistics Act (Canada) and to Alberta
Advanced Education and Technology for statistical, funding, policy development, planning and research purposes. Certain personal information will also be disclosed, by agreement to the
NAIT Student Association (NAITSA) and the Alumni Relations Office for the purpose of membership services; to Athletics and Recreation to monitor your eligibility to participate in NAIT
intercollegiate Athletics and to the Financial Aid Officer for the nomination of awards and scholarships. The provisions of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
Act protect this personal information. If you have any questions about the collection or use of this information, contact the Office of the Registrar, Suite 1000, 11762 - 106 Street NW,
Edmonton, AB T5G 2R1, Phone: 780.471.6248.